Lonnie Hodge on May 22nd 2007

Have picture of the Middle Kingdom you like and want to share with the world?
OMBW will sponsor a contest that will run all year and culminate in a coffee table book that will raise funds for China charities and the Literacy Group The Reading Tub.
It is simple:
Send your best shot of people, places or events in China to: with the information required below. We will post several shots, once a week, on OMBW and on http://blogof dreams.com where you and your friends can vote for your favorites. The top 250 will make it into the book. There is NO entry fee.
There will be prizes, yet to be decided, for the winners, links back to blogs or sites if requested, contributor copies of the coffee table book. All rights are returned to the creator upon publication and you are free to multiple submit your work to other sites, magazines or contests. First prize in each division will be an expense paid week on the road with Yanzhi and Dawei and the Dreanblogue Team during their charity and friendship tour of China
Ideally there will be three divisions:
Hobby Photographer: You take pictures for personal enjoyment and you have a shot that you would like to share with the world

Amateur: You aspire to be professional and have a bit more experience or training than do most of us in the amateur ranks

Professional: You get paid for your work, but are willing to share it with us at OMBW and the Dreablogue so we can raise a few dollars for charity
We will try to post new pictures once a week on Friday. The rules:
Make the photos as Web-friendly as possible: No more than 450 Pixels wide please. If you win we will ask for the high resolution file.
Include the following information with your email:
- Real name
- Division
- Province where picture was taken
- Name of Photo as you want it in the ALT tag
- Your location and email (not to be published)
- Your desired screen name for voting and picture tags
- A short statement giving us permission to place the picture on OMBW and The China Dreamblogue during 2006-7
- Your blog or website URL, if there is one, to which we should link the photos
There is no limit to the number of photos you can submit….
Look for the first photos next week!
Charity in China,
China Expats,
China Photos,
China web 2.0,
Chinese Internet,
Chinese Media,
Greater Asia Blogs,
Hong Kong Blogs,
Intercultural Issues,
New Blogs,
Photo Contest,
Search Engine Marketing,
Seo China,
Teaching in China,
The Great Wall,
The Internet,
The League of Extraordinary Chinese Women,
Top Blogs,
Top China Blogs List,
Travel in China,
Yangshuo China,
Lonnie Hodge on Mar 25th 2007
The funniest guys in the China blogsphere have a must-see post for you guys. It has been up for a few days, but is timeless. A preview:
2500 BC: Chinese scientists rename the fatherland “the motherland” after determining the sex of China.
1600 BC: The great Yu, last of the Five Legendary Rulers, promises to eradicate bad habits such as spitting and queue jumping within the next five years. “China is a developing country” he reminds critics.
770 BC – 476 BC: The Spring and Autumn Period occurs in China, and is only brought to an end by the invention of Summer and Winter by Chinese scientists.
1969: The dreams of Man are realised as Neil Armstrong takes his first step on the moon. China responds by stating it too will place a man selling lamb kebabs, t-shirts, and musical lighters, on the moon by 2040.

June 4th 1989: According to the official records of the CCP, on this day the sun was shining, so Deng Xiaoping decided to have a nice picnic with his friends out in the countryside. On the way home, he saw a cute kid selling homemade lemonade by the roadside, so he bought six glasses for only one yuan each, and then gave the kid a shiny button to take home.
Blogroll Diving,
China Expats,
China Humor,
Chinese Internet,
New Blogs,
Top Blogs,
Top China Blogs List,
Lonnie Hodge on Mar 17th 2007
Gil Azouri has posted China Photos worth much more than a thousand of my words:
China Photos,
New Blogs,
The Great Wall,
Lonnie Hodge on Mar 16th 2007
As many of you know I have been doing search Engine Optimization and Search engine Marketing for about six years. It started as a harmless hobby and now has a life of its own: running and screaming naked down information highways in search of higher ranks for all manner of search terms like: Professor Lucky Pants, The Handsomest Poet in China, Blog Prostitute in Guangzhou American Professor…..
I began blogging when Andy Naughton, the genius behind Cyberglass, told me that I had to quit clogging his box with long-winded emails. He convinced me that I was in desperate need of a blogging forum. That was the start of OMBW and my experiments with weblog SEO. OMBW, early on, was a platform for web trials, but now that it is back to being my writing refuge, I would like to pass on some of what I have acquired along the way to to those of you in search of an audience or a product customer base.
Unlike some SEO information give-aways there is no hook here: I won’t be asking you to sign up for a newsletter, buy my book on the Internet According to Khan or anything designed to MAKE MILLIONS WITH A HOME COMPUTER!!!! It is just a chance for me to download to the blog page a bit of what I have learned via a virtual school of hard knocks. I won’t scoff at offers of business, but I do get a fair number of calls as I am (more seriously) listed–as should be YOUR SEO consultant–in several engines for SEO work in China: China Blog SEO, SEO Consultant China , Seo China, SEO Specialist China, and so on…. I have done work for small and large concerns ranging from Shell Vacations (#1 in Family Vacation Club and 200+ other keywords), and Altec Corporate Training (#3 after three weeks for Corporate Training China), to smaller concerns like Blogger News Network (#1 out of 100,000,000 for Blogger News) , and Yangshuo Mountain Retreat (Now #1 in dozens of keywords such as Outdoor Team Building China)….
This will be the start of an Internet Marketing Tutorial for those doing general cyber-business or blogging in China. I will do a post a week for the next year about how to build traffic and high search engine visibility. I will start with U.S. engines like Yahoo! and Google and then move on to China. Feel free to ask me any questions along the way.
SEO services in the U.S. and China are vastly different. Chinese companies usually charge by the keyword. A top ten listing for a “cool word” (one with low result returns in Google) might cost you 8,000 RMB a word per year; a “hot” word/term like English School China with 85,000,000 returns could cost you 20-30,000 RMB per year. If that were the case for me I would have someone ghost-writing this blog and I would be having my feet massaged in first-class on Singapore Air.
I hope I save you a ton of money and aspirin…

Next week I will introduce my first lesson.
Asian Humor,
China Business,
China Cartoons,
China Editorials,
China Humor,
China web 2.0,
Confucius Slept Here,
Greater Asia Blogs,
Guangzhou China,
Intercultural Issues,
Internet marketing China,
New Blogs,
Seo China,
The Internet,
Lonnie Hodge on Mar 13th 2007
The results are finally in:
Best Asian Weblog
Tokyo Girl Down Under
The Finalists for Best Asian Blog all deserve a look. They are wonderfully diverse. Unlike Tokyo Girl they are truly Asia based:
Bryan Boy
And OMBW ( I was an also-ran)
Best Australian or New Zealand Weblog
The Breakfast Blog
Best African or Middle Eastern Weblog
Secret Dubai Diary
Best European Weblog
My Boyfriend is a Twat
Best British or Irish Weblog
Girl with a One-Track Mind
Best Latin American Weblog
Cooking Diva
Best Canadian Weblog
Best American Weblog
Cute Overload
Best Photography of a Weblog
Best Craft Weblog
Make: Blog
Best Food Weblog
Help I have a Fire in My Kitchen
Best Sports Weblog
Best Weblog About Music
Best Entertainment Weblog and
Most Humorous Weblog
Go Fug Yourself
Best GLBT Weblog
Perez Hilton
My condolences to the other finalists who are truly representative of GLBT culture, humor, politics, llifestyle and celebration. This is my only truck with popular vote contests. Perez Hilton is to GLBT blogs what Rush Limbaugh is to political radio: entertainment! Visit the finalists:
Daily Dose of Queer
Best Writing of a Weblog
And this guy can shape a story! Waiter Rant!
Best Group Weblog
Best Community Weblog and
Weblog of the Year
One of those “I wish I had thought of it” blogs that takes you through the full spectrum of emotions evry single visit!
Post Secret
Best New Weblog
Say No to Crack!
Best-Kept Secret Weblog
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
Congrats all….
As a postscript: I hope the folks over at The Asia Blog Awards revive their contest. They had the best formula in the blogsphere: Popular vote, Technorati rank, Distinguished Judges scores ….
China web 2.0,
Hong Kong Blogs,
In the news,
New Blogs,
Top Blogs,
Top China Blogs List,
Lonnie Hodge on Mar 8th 2007
Found at The Humour Page :
Found at Rojacks:
Beijing sign: Forbidden: Prostitution, gambling and drag abuse!
Someone should tell this Bollywood guy:
Asian Humor,
China Humor,
New Blogs,
The Professor on Mar 2nd 2007
Books have been virtually replaced by blogs. But, puns aside, many of them showcase the transformative elements Pablo Neruda* suggests as essential to written art in Ars Magnetica:
“From so much loving and journeying, books emerge.
And if they don’t contain kisses or landscapes,
if they don’t contain a woman in every drop,
hunger, desire, anger, roads,
there are no use as a shield or as a bell:
they have no eyes and won’t be able to open them….”
Here I have I have tried to smooth the stubble of memory, share poetry, attempt humor, journal my social conscience, and reconcile my longings while shoutng to you in some far-off room. I leave here absolutely bewildered that anyone, other than my long-suffering friends, ever returned to listen. I am grateful you did.
Continue Reading »
American Poet in China,
American Professor in China,
Beijing Olympics,
Cancer Journal,
Charity in China,
China Book Reviews,
China Business,
China Business Consultant,
China Cartoons,
China Editorials,
China Expats,
China Humor,
China Law,
China Photos,
China web 2.0,
Chinese Education,
Confucius Slept Here,
Guangzhou China,
Hainan Island,
Hong Kong,
Hong Kong Blogs,
In the news,
Intercultural Issues,
Just Plain Strange,
New Blogs,
Teaching in China,
The Great Firewall,
The Sharpest Guy on the Planet,
The Unsinkable Ms Yue,
Travel in China,
Weird China,
Lonnie Hodge on Mar 2nd 2007
There is a new blog in town.
Another friend has decided to turn her obsession into another obsession and blog about Bollywood–two addictions for the price of one. And is Good Golly Miss Bolly a great name or what? Some of the rejected titles were: Bombay is Reeling, Bollywood Boulevard, Macau’s Dehli….
Bollwood is a hot item these days. It has become mainstream western fare Bollywood stars are popular poster picks for American teens.
I am a closet Bollywood fan (I guess this post effective outs me, huh Scott?) and pine for the days of big budget movies, orchestras and happy endings that only India and China can afford to produce now. Bollywood is dancing and singing and near smooching and dancing and near smooching and near smooching and singing and dancing….and all very sensual because lots is still left to the imagination, the mystery is intact…
Take a stroll down Bollywood Boulevard, and watch Bombay Reeling with Arizona native and Macau expat, Miss Bolly.
Asian Women,
New Blogs,
Personal Notes,
Top Blogs,