Good Golly Miss Bolly!
There is a new blog in town.
Another friend has decided to turn her obsession into another obsession and blog about Bollywood–two addictions for the price of one. And is Good Golly Miss Bolly a great name or what? Some of the rejected titles were: Bombay is Reeling, Bollywood Boulevard, Macau’s Dehli….
Bollwood is a hot item these days. It has become mainstream western fare Bollywood stars are popular poster picks for American teens.
I am a closet Bollywood fan (I guess this post effective outs me, huh Scott?) and pine for the days of big budget movies, orchestras and happy endings that only India and China can afford to produce now. Bollywood is dancing and singing and near smooching and dancing and near smooching and near smooching and singing and dancing….and all very sensual because lots is still left to the imagination, the mystery is intact…
Take a stroll down Bollywood Boulevard, and watch Bombay Reeling with Arizona native and Macau expat, Miss Bolly.
Asia,Asian Women,Bollywood,Entertainment,India,Macau,New Blogs,Personal Notes,Top Blogs,中国