Secret Asian Man….
I love blogroll diving! Tak Toyoshima’s site is blocked in Guangzhou, so until United Media’s syndicated him last week I had not known of his work….
Reportedly the first Asian-American cartoon protagonist “Sam” grapples with an ethnic identity crises via membership in AA (“I’m Sam I’m an Asian American”) to excitement over the Americapalooza concert that will feature an Asian American band to a self-assured second generation defender of bi-cutural image:
The syndicated strip is great fun, but not nearly as edgy as the offerings on his website which are wonderfully politically incorrect:
Tak, an American born Japanese-American, grew up in New York City, attended Boston University and now lives outside of Boston where we hope the Japanese Prime Minister won’t find him.
Bonzai, Sam!!!
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Tak Toyoshima’s work is always my favorite part of the Boston Dig’s paper.
Pretty hilarious and touches on a lot of real issues.
I love political cartoons.