So My Chinese Students Aren’t the Only Ones?
No. it is not a moment of silence for the ten-fold increase in the trade surplus with America. It is a Pic’ of National People’s Congress Representatives searching for holes in their eyelids.
From China Rises.
6 responses so far
And to think, each of them will vote yes on every proposal.
I’m thinking there is a photographer going to jail for this….
Hello,I’m a student of you in MUST D9.
To tell the truth, I doubt that the picture is made just for fun~
Great, Lonnie! Used the same pic from Tim Johnson´s blog this morning:
We in the West have to learn the Chinese gift to sleep during the work… //Dag Sr
Funny picture.
It seems that the meeting is like some of our classes.
Too funny Dave…
I was a professional at this in the Military….I can sleep standing up!
All in good fun…
happens quite often in Malaysia as well when the there is a national budget presentation, etc… adds some ‘fun’ to an otherwise boring telecast when the TV starts to show the ministers dozing off live on TV!